College Study Abroad,  Study Abroad Tips,  What is Study Abroad?

The REMARKABLE Benefits of Study Abroad (SERIES)

While the full benefits of study abroad cannot be summed up in one blog (or several!), I will still do my best to attempt to try. By far one of the most impactful experiences of an academic career, I speak from personal experience when I say that study abroad will literally change your life. 

As mentioned in previous content released on this blog, I realize this is not always for the better. In future posts, we will explore some of the downsides of study abroad, but for now, we are focused on the positive aspects of a semester away. 

In this five-part blog series, I tackle some of the major areas of study abroad benefits based on my own perspective and feedback I have received from students I’ve advised throughout the years. 

I’m so excited for your to dive in and learn more! 


Study Abroad Benefit No. 1 – The Benefit of Adventure 

Study Abroad Benefit No 2. – The Benefit of Perspective 

Study Abroad Benefit No 3. – The Benefit of New Challenges 

Study Abroad Benefit No 4. – The Benefit of Life Lessons

Study Abroad Benefit No 5. – The Benefit of Future Opportunities

Until next time,

– K 

Will study abroad 2021 happen


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Known as The Study Abroad Specialist, Kimber Grayson is a serial-study abroader turned International Education coach and expert. Since 2014, she has helped 100+ students navigate their semester away journey from the coastal areas of Spain to China and every place in between. In 2018, she launched The LiveStudyLearn™ Abroad Association, a one-of-a-kind online membership platform for study abroad students worldwide.

She holds two Master's degrees from two well-respected London-based universities and has experience working in the US, UK & and Italy.

In her spare time (what's that again?), she enjoys leisure travel city breaks, any snow-based activity, skeet shooting, and attempting to learn new languages.


Known as The Study Abroad Specialist, Kimber Grayson is a serial-study abroader turned International Education coach and expert. Since 2014, she has helped 100+ students navigate their semester away journey from the coastal areas of Spain to China and every place in between. In 2018, she launched The LiveStudyLearn™ Abroad Association, a one-of-a-kind online membership platform for study abroad students worldwide. She holds two Master's degrees from two well-respected London-based universities and has experience working in the US, UK & and Italy. In her spare time (what's that again?), she enjoys leisure travel city breaks, any snow-based activity, skeet shooting, and attempting to learn new languages.